How to Write a Playlist Pitch Email (With Template & Examples)

Spotify Playlist Pitch Email

In the ever-evolving music industry, crafting an effective playlist pitch email can be the key to getting your tracks noticed by influential curators and gaining exposure for your music. Whether you’re an aspiring artist or a seasoned professional, understanding the art of writing a compelling playlist pitch email is crucial for securing coveted spots on popular playlists. 

This article will guide you through the essential elements of a successful pitch email, provide a playlist pitch email template to follow, and showcase real-life examples of pitch emails that hit the right notes.

Mastering this skill can significantly enhance your chances of featuring your music and connecting with a broader audience.

Learn all about writing a playlist pitch email by exploring these topics:

How to Write a Perfect Spotify Playlist Pitch Email?

Steps to follow when writing a compelling Spotify playlist pitch email are listed below.

  1. Find Playlists
  2. Check Potential Playlists
  3. Playlist Curator’s Contact Details
  4. Contact Playlist Curators
  5. Follow Up

1. Find Playlists

Discovering suitable playlists is the first step in your pitch strategy. Utilize the following methods to identify relevant playlists on Spotify:

  • Spotify Search: Use Spotify’s search feature to find playlists matching your genre, mood, or theme.
  • Social Media: Follow playlist curators and influencers on platforms like Instagram and Twitter to stay updated on playlist additions.
  • Playlist Aggregators: Explore playlist aggregator websites or databases to uncover playlists that cater to your style.

2. Check Potential Playlists

Thoroughly assess potential playlists to ensure they align with your music and audience Some of the key criteria you should consider are listed below.

  • Follower Count: Look for playlists with a substantial follower count, as they have a broader reach.
  • Engagement: Consider playlists with high engagement rates, indicating an active and dedicated audience.
  • Relevance: Ensure the playlist’s theme and genre match your music to enhance the chances of acceptance.

3. Playlist Curator’s Contact Details

Gather accurate contact information for playlist curators. Some of the key contact information you should gather is listed below.

  • Curator’s Website: Check if the curator has a dedicated website with contact details.
  • Social Media Profiles: Look for contact information on the curator’s social media profiles.
  • Email Address: If available, use the provided email address. Use common Sales Development Representative (SDR) tactics like finding patterns in email addresses, using tools like, etc.

4. Contact Playlist Curators

When reaching out to playlist curators, follow these best practices:

  • Concise Email: Keep your email brief, highlighting your music’s uniqueness and value to the playlist.
  • Engaging Subject Line: Craft a subject line that grabs the curator’s attention and gives a glimpse of your music’s appeal.
  • Customized Content: Personalize each email to show your genuine interest in their playlist.
  • Show Value: Explain how your track aligns with the playlist’s vibe and can enhance the listening experience.
  • Templates: Consider using email templates as a starting point, but tailor them for each curator.

Remember, your pitch email is your chance to make a strong impression. Showcase your passion, professionalism, and dedication to enhancing the playlist’s content.

5. Follow Up 

If you don’t receive a response, consider sending a polite follow-up email after a week or two. Reiterate your interest and provide any additional information if needed.

By meticulously researching playlists, crafting personalized emails, and demonstrating your music’s value, you increase your chances of securing a spot on Spotify playlists and reaching a wider audience.

Spotify Playlist Pitch Template

Below is a sample Spotify music pitch email template that you can use to get started.

Subject Line: [Playlist Name] Consider Adding My [Genre/Style] Track - [Your Artist Name]

Dear [Curator's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I've been a fan of your [Playlist Name] on Spotify and have been impressed by your curation of [Genre/Style] tracks that genuinely resonate with listeners. I'm reaching out today to introduce you to my latest release, which would be a perfect fit for your playlist.

My name is [Your Name], and I'm an [Genre/Style] artist known for [Brief Description of Your Music - Unique Selling Point]. My new track, "[Track Name]," encapsulates [Mood/Emotion/Theme], and I believe it would seamlessly complement the vibe of [Playlist Name].

With its [Key Feature/Musical Element], "[Track Name]" captures the essence of [Genre/Style] while adding a fresh twist. The captivating [Lyrics/Instrumentals] and [Other Notable Feature] make it a standout piece that can engage [Playlist Name] listeners and keep them coming back for more.

You can listen to "[Track Name]" on [Spotify/Apple Music/Other Streaming Platforms] via this [Hyperlink to Your Song]. I've also attached the track to this email for your convenience.

I would be honored to have my music featured on [Playlist Name], and I'm confident that "[Track Name]" would resonate with your audience. If you find it suitable, consider adding it to your playlist.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my submission. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and hope to contribute to the outstanding musical experience you provide to your listeners.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Artist/Band Name]
[Your Contact Information]
[Social Media Links]

Spotify Playlist Pitch Email Example Following the Template

An example of a Spotify playlist pitch following the template is presented below.

Subject Line: "Chill Vibes" Playlist Submission - Introducing "Serenity" by [Your Artist Name]

Dear Sarah,

I've been enjoying the calming ambiance of your "Chill Vibes" playlist on Spotify and appreciate how you curate tracks that create a tranquil atmosphere for listeners. My name is Emma, and I'm an ambient electronic artist specializing in crafting serene soundscapes.

I'm excited to introduce my latest release, "Serenity," a composition that encapsulates a sense of calm and introspection. With its gentle melodies, ethereal textures, and soothing rhythms, "Serenity" perfectly matches the mood you've established in "Chill Vibes."

You can listen to "Serenity" on Spotify using the following link: [Hyperlink to Your Song]. I've attached the track to this email as well.

I genuinely believe that "Serenity" would enhance the tranquil experience you offer to your playlist's followers. If you find it fitting, I would be honored to have my track featured in "Chill Vibes."

Thank you for considering my submission. Your dedication to curating exceptional music is evident, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to participate in it.

Best regards,
[Your Artist Name]
[Contact Information]
[Social Media Links]

Feel free to customize the template to match your style and the specific playlist you’re targeting. Remember to keep your email concise, personalize it for the curator, and highlight the unique aspects of your music that align with the playlist’s theme.

Spotify Playlist Pitch Examples

Here is a curated collection of compelling pitches submitted by music artists to secure placement on popular Spotify playlists. These examples serve as inspiration for crafting your own music pitch email templates that will increase the chances of playlist inclusion and broader audience engagement.

Energetic Indie Rock Playlist Pitch Example

Subject Line: Rock the Playlist! Introducing "High Voltage" by The Amped

Hey [Curator's Name],

I hope this email finds you in great spirits. I've been grooving to your "Energetic Indie Rock" playlist on Spotify and can't help but admire your knack for curating high-energy tracks that get listeners moving. My band, The Amped, has a new release that I believe would fit right into the heart of your playlist.

"High Voltage" is a fierce indie rock anthem that bursts with electrifying guitar riffs, dynamic vocals, and an infectious rhythm. The song captures the essence of raw energy and rebellious spirit that defines your playlist. It's a perfect fit for those seeking an adrenaline rush and a reason to turn up the volume.

You can stream "High Voltage" on Spotify using this link: [Hyperlink to Your Song]. For your convenience, I've attached the track to this email as well.

Our goal is to bring a surge of excitement to your already captivating playlist. We would be thrilled if "High Voltage" found a home among the electrifying tracks you curate.

Thank you for considering our submission. We appreciate the passion you invest in your playlists and look forward to the possibility of being a part of it.

Rock on!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
The Amped
[Contact Information]
[Social Media Links]

Chill Electronica Vibes Playlist Pitch Example

Subject Line: Drift Away with "Ethereal Dreams" - A Perfect Fit for Your Playlist

Hello [Curator's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Your "Chill Electronica Vibes" playlist on Spotify has been a source of solace and inspiration during my creative moments. I'm reaching out to introduce my latest track, "Ethereal Dreams," a musical journey that I believe harmonizes seamlessly with the tranquility you curate.

"Ethereal Dreams" is a blend of ambient textures, soothing melodies, and delicate rhythms. Its immersive soundscapes and serene atmosphere make it a perfect companion for introspection and relaxation. I envision it as a starlit addition to your playlist, enhancing the peaceful ambiance you've masterfully created.

You can listen to "Ethereal Dreams" on Spotify through this link: [Hyperlink to Your Song]. I've also attached the track to this email.

I'm truly honored to share my music with you and your followers. If you find "Ethereal Dreams" resonating with the essence of your playlist, I would be thrilled to see it find a home among the ethereal tunes you curate.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Your dedication to curating a tranquil space for listeners is admirable, and I'm excited about the possibility of contributing to that experience.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Artist Name]
[Contact Information]
[Social Media Links]

Upbeat Pop Hits Playlist Pitch Example

Subject Line: Adding a Dash of Pop Magic to "Upbeat Grooves" - Introducing "Sunshine Smile"

Hey [Curator's Name],

I hope you're having an amazing day! Your "Upbeat Pop Hits" playlist on Spotify has been a constant source of positivity and dance-worthy tunes, and I wanted to introduce you to my latest single, which I believe would amplify the feel-good vibes of your playlist.

"Sunshine Smile" is a burst of infectious pop energy adorned with catchy hooks, vibrant melodies, and an irresistible chorus. Its joyful spirit and vibrant rhythm are tailor-made for those seeking an instant mood lift and a reason to hit the dance floor. I can already picture listeners grooving to its beats alongside the other pop gems on your playlist.

You can enjoy "Sunshine Smile" on Spotify by clicking this link: [Hyperlink to Your Song]. As always, I've attached the track to this email for your convenience.

It would be an absolute honor to see "Sunshine Smile" included in your collection of upbeat pop hits. I admire your talent for curating tunes that put a smile on listeners' faces, and I'm excited about the possibility of contributing to that uplifting experience.

Thank you for considering my submission. Your dedication to spreading positivity through music is truly inspiring, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it.

Keep shining!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Artist Name]
[Contact Information]
[Social Media Links]

Feel free to use these examples as inspiration and adapt them to your music and your target playlists. Remember to keep your pitch personal, engaging, and relevant to the playlist’s theme and audience. These are examples of a few well-written pitch emails, and I suggest you put your approach to it and make it sound like you. 

What Are the Benefits of Getting on a Spotify Playlist?

Being featured on a Spotify playlist can significantly impact an artist’s visibility and streaming success. Here are some key advantages of getting your music on a Spotify playlist:

  1. Increased Exposure: Playlist placements expose your music to a larger and potentially global audience. The playlists are curated by Spotify or influential users, giving your music a chance to be heard by listeners who might not have discovered it otherwise.
  2. New Audience Discovery: Being on a playlist allows you to reach listeners specifically interested in the playlist’s genre, mood, or theme. This way, introduce your music to new fans who are more likely to engage with and share your tracks.
  3. Streaming Growth: Playlist placements can lead to a substantial increase in streams. Higher play counts boost your presence on Spotify and potentially lead to higher payouts as your music gains popularity.
  4. Algorithmic Recommendations: Successful playlist placements can trigger Spotify’s algorithmic recommendations. Your song might appear in personalized Discover Weekly, Release Radar, and Daily Mix playlists, further expanding your reach.
  5. Credibility and Social Proof: Being featured on curated playlists adds credibility to your music. Listeners often associate playlist placements with high-quality and trending tracks, which can influence their perception of your work.
  6. Charting Opportunities: High streaming numbers from playlist placements can lead to charting on Spotify’s platform-specific charts, bringing additional visibility and recognition.
  7. Networking and Industry Attention: Playlist curators often have industry connections, and being featured on their playlists can attract attention from labels, managers, and other music professionals.
  8. Long-Term Impact: Even after the initial playlist feature, your track remains on your artist profile, giving you continued exposure and the chance to gain more followers and listeners.
  9. Touring and Performance Opportunities: A more extensive fan base and increased visibility can translate into more demand for live performances, potentially leading to more gigs and opportunities for monetization.
  10. Monetization Potential: As your streams grow, so do your potential earnings through Spotify’s royalty system. More streams equal higher payouts per stream.
  11. Artist Insights: Spotify for Artists provides data and insights on your listeners, helping you understand your audience better and make informed decisions about future releases and promotional efforts.

In a highly competitive music landscape, getting on a Spotify playlist can be a powerful catalyst for an artist’s career. It’s a strategic way to introduce your music to a broader audience, build a dedicated fan base, and set the stage for continued growth and success.

Final Thoughts

In the dynamic world of music promotion, playlist placements on Spotify are a game-changer. These handpicked compilations can lift artists’ careers and propel their music to uncharted territories.

As we wrap up our exploration of playlist pitching, let’s revisit the essentials and emphasize the immense impact of this potent promotional strategy:

  • Strategic Research: Investing time in discovering the right playlists is the foundation of a successful pitch. Tailor your outreach to playlists that resonate with your music’s genre, style, and mood.
  • Personalized Pitches: Craft compelling and personalized playlist pitch emails demonstrating your understanding of the curator’s preferences. Show them why your music is a perfect fit.
  • Playlist Impact: Playlist placements offer a gateway to increased exposure, reaching more expansive and potentially international audiences. They introduce your music to enthusiastic fans of your genre, opening the door to discovery.
  • Streaming Success: The growth in streams resulting from playlist features boosts your Spotify presence and translates into higher earnings through royalties.
  • Algorithmic Advantages: The benefits extend beyond the playlist itself. High streaming numbers can trigger Spotify’s algorithm, leading to organic recommendations in personalized playlists.
  • Credibility and Connections: Playlist placements enhance your credibility as an artist and capture the attention of music industry professionals. The exposure might lead to exciting new opportunities.
  • Sustained Impact: While a playlist feature is an immediate win, its influence lingers. Continued visibility on your artist profile helps grow your follower base and maintain streaming momentum.
  • Monetization and Insights: Beyond exposure, playlist placements directly impact your potential earnings. Utilize Spotify for Artists to gain insights into your audience and track performance.

As artists and music professionals, your journey continues beyond creating great music. Effective playlist pitch emails and pursuing playlist placements can amplify your impact. Remember, the power to captivate new listeners and forge meaningful connections lies within your ability to present your music in the proper context.

So, seize the opportunity, embrace the challenge, and embark on the exciting path of playlist pitching. Your music deserves the spotlight, and Spotify playlists can be the beacon that guides new fans to your unique sounds. Elevate your artistry, expand your reach, and let the world groove to your tunes. Your musical journey has only just begun!